Flu season is not only miserable, it is just down right disgusting. I would never call myself a germophobe. However, my level of anxiety surrounding this current flu outbreak has reached new heights! I have gone through 5 containers of disinfectant wipes, trying to rid my house of germs from every light switch, door handle, remote control or solid surface. It is kind of like when another kid in the class gets lice. You immediately start itching and go into crazy protection mode. You spray your kid’s hair with peppermint sprays, you wash and dry jackets each night, and the daily lectures to the kids… “Don’t hug anyone! Don’t put your jacket on the ground! Leave your hair in that tight, heavily hair-sprayed ponytail! I DON’T CARE IF IT’S HURTING YOUR HEAD! NO PAIN NO GAIN!” If your family has had lice, you know exactly what I mean. It is not something you want twice!
Flu season and all the illnesses that come with it, from the GI bugs and Strep Throats to the actual full-blown Flu, makes me tip toe through the air and hope that that one little molecule doesn’t shoot up the kids’ noses, my nose, and for all that’s good and holy, not my husband’s nose. The man flu is real and it is no joke.

So I sanitize my entire life, become the handwashing police, serve the kids a daily does Sweets Elderberry Syrup and make them put antibiotic ointments in their noses. (Who knows if ointments in their noses work, but I’m leaving no stones left unturned). That’s in addition to the daily begging and pleading with them to not touch anyone, lick anyone (yes, I have to mention that to my youngest) and to please stay away from any water fountain. PLEASE! Mama wants you to go to school!
So with snotty noses and dirty hands, we all venture through this flu season hoping to come out on the other side free of the funk. We are begging for sunshine and warm days, where the air smells like orange blossoms and jasmine rather than bleach and disinfectant. We will ignore all the pollen because at least allergies are not the flu and we can all handle a little clear snot. In the meantime, the school nurse has all our numbers on speed dial. We wait, we are armed, and we are ready.
With flu-season still in full swing, there are ways to make the best of it, or at least help out your fellow homebound mom! While she is tending to the kids (and wiping down the light switches), she is in desperate need of a little TLC herself! No one likes to ask for help, and most moms are really okay without it. But it’s nice when people recognize when your life stinks at the moment and you don’t feel so alone. A mom’s flu-survival kit is a super easy way to make some merry out of this un-merry flu season. It is as easy as some chocolate and a small bottle of wine. Include a large bottle if the patients is an adult male! You can enhance the treat with a fun magazine and Sweet’s Elderberry Syrup (to boost the household’s antioxidants). Something so simple, yet thoughtful can give a friend the pep they need to get through a few days of homebound kids! Feel free to ring and run… you have to stay healthy!

If you are making a flu-survival kits for you or a friends, check out Sweetssryup.com! Sweet’s Elderberry Syrup treats symptoms of coughs, colds, allergies and the flu! When taken regularly, Sweet’s Syrup boosts the immune system to help prevent sickness. Made with a short list of quality ingredients, Sweet’s Elderberry Syrup tastes delicious and is safe for anyone old enough to consume honey.