As a mom of kids ages 9, 11 and 13 I can honestly say I am really happy I don’t have toddlers right now. That stage was not my jam and hunkering down with 3 toddlers on any given day was stressful to me. Facing possible weeks and weeks of close quarters really might have pushed me over the edge. So to those parents out there who have little ones I am sending prayers and positive vibes your way. I think I would ignore the screen time restrictions for awhile!
We are currently on our “Spring Break” week from school, before we start distance learning next week. We cancelled our plans and are hanging at home with quite a relaxed attitude. I’m trying not to put the kids on any sort of schedule for a little bit to let them have the break from school they were looking forward to. Emotions are running high however, with never ending questions and tears of frustration and worry. So for now my boys are on their electronics and throwing the frisbee and my princess is tiktok-ing and baking. I’m trying out a Wellness Tonic which included a tad too much Cayenne Pepper. (Thinking I will save it for the evening, if I can wait that long, and add a little vodka and soda to round out the taste!)
Merry Baking Healthy Tonic
But next week, you better bet I will be a mom with a plan and a schedule (I hope). Here is to hoping our school’s distance learning takes more than 20 minutes each day!
In order to keeps the kids entertained we are stocked with some new games, books and puzzles from my 3 recent trips to Target. I am going to attempt to clean out my attic this week and am equipped with new storage bins and my life saving label maker

My Target RedCard has seen a LOT of activity in the last week. But the house, our hands and our bottoms will be able to stay clean for a few weeks!

One of the most popular activities from my Chipper kits over the past few years have been the home scavenger hunts. Kids love a hunt! I know they sound daunting, but with my free downloads you can easily add a little creative, simple wonder to your child’s day! All you have to do is print, cut out the clues, hide them around the house and provide some sort of prize! Fun snacks, coupons for game time, electronic time, special mom time all work! I will provide hunts periodically and you will be notified by Chipper 365 and on Instagram when there is a new one available.
I know its not much, but I figured every little bit might help some of you! Here’s to making the best out of things these days!
Please feel free to forward the blog and the scavenger hunts to any parents you think might need a little extra creative, simple wonder! Better yet, ask them to join our newsletter to receive more Merry Making directly to their inbox.