The best of all the questions I get from my kids is, “Do we have any plans today?” Umm nope. No plans. Wide open. Mommy is going to try to mediate at some point today so as to not go bat shit crazy, but that’s it.
All three of my kids have ADHD. Yes, all three. Add in an anxiety disorder and the struggle is real over here. But like everyone else we are doing our best with games, baking, walking and exceeding the recommended limits of electronic usage. My husband, bless his heart, is trying to manage all our feelings while obsessing that we have none of his old school comforts such as fish sticks and Chef Boyardee. He hasn’t eaten any of this in 25 years but feels like we need to add it back into our diets now because he claims it will last forever in a food shortage. Luckily, my job is to stock the supplies and I noticed that there were ample fish sticks available last time I went to the store. We know it’s there if we get desperate! Clearly, we are all struggling in our own ways around here. I can imagine it’s a similar scene in most homes.

I personally have gotten through the days laughing at the constant stream of memes that come through my text messages. For a scary, intense time people have a lot of funny things to say! I guess we all need to laugh so we don’t cry. Life has slowed so much that no one has much to talk about, so the memes keep the conversations going and remind us that we are all in this together.

Homeschooling is on our horizon as this weekend ends our spring break. I’m positive this will bring about a whole new set of anxieties, and family fun. I am well stocked on coffee and wine.

If you need any ideas or ways to homeschool perfectly, just check your Facebook feed. The mom competition on who is doing it the best is in full force. I swear some think there will be a huge reward at the end of this for which mom can be “The Perfect Quarantiner”. When they realize there is no prize maybe they will start offering some grace to their “villages” instead of non-stop “one-upping”. Around here, we are just trying to do our best with each day. So for all the fellow moms out there struggling…just do you and just pray & hope your husband doesn’t come home with canned spam for dinner!
Here is another fun Scavenger Hunt to try with the kiddos. Try to come up with a prize for the end! They need to hunt for the treasure at the end! Hope this adds a little creative, simple wonder to your day!
Hang in there!

Please feel free to forward the blog and the scavenger hunts to any parents you think might need a little extra creative, simple wonder!
Also, post pics of the kids hunting and tag on Instagram and Facebook.
Need last weeks scavenger hunt? Here it is.