Every May it feels like all busy parents of school aged children are just limping to the finish line…looking forward to summer break and sleeping in. I feel the same way now, as I am looking ahead to the end of this year and the busy Holiday season. And it’s not even Halloween! Is it just me or do we all need a little pep in our step?
Looking forward it is hard to even figure out if the season will be as busy as usual. Planning has not part of this year’s “Debbie Downer Theme.” So, what will it feel like? Part of me wishes that a “busy season” will feel normal. Another part of me wishes for the peace of a scaled down, easier version of holiday magic that mimics a Hallmark family movie.

Realistically it will likely fall somewhere in between. I will race around trying to make everyone happy and give experiences that will ensure memories of a good holiday, while silently wishing I was watching Schitt’s Creek in my pajamas, while working on a puzzle… all day long. You know, living the quarantine life. (There were parts of lock down that were SO NICE!)

The high expectations we put on ourselves have been greatly brought into focus. When forced to adapt, adjust and be still it has been easier to identify shortcomings and acknowledge successes. Now in my family, it seems that shortcomings outweigh successes at this point… but who is counting?! Perhaps this year is trying to teach us great things and then, when we look back on 2020, we will be happy for the lessons learned.
But in the meantime, we need to find some HOLIDAY HAPPY! Who is with me?
Let’s carve the pumpkins, paint some acorns and roast the chestnuts! Well, maybe the chestnut roasting is going a little far, but you get the gist. Nothing is saying we can’t end this year on a good note. Kids aren’t the only ones that need the holiday magic. Seems like the whole country could use some; mostly (maybe especially?) the parents who are limping to the finish line.