Everyone has favorite things. Favorite colors, animals, books, music, foods and the list can go on and on. When writing, “Chipper Makes Merry”, I wanted to include my favorites into my writing in places other than the dedication. Of course, the dedication is all about my favorite people, who are the most important favorites of all.

But the hidden favorites were fun to find places for and I enjoyed weaving them in. Gus the Walrus was the easiest character to name. I love the name GUS. I wanted it for one of our dogs, but the family vetoed it. But since its my book, I didn’t have to deal with vetoes. Win for me!

Speaking of my family, I did include a tribute within illustrations to my cute hubby with a tree carving screaming out my love. (It might have taken him a few passes through the book and quite a few hints before he noticed. No shocker. He isn’t into details). Also, my kids initials were displayed on stepping stones. (Two of my kids noticed right away. I think this percentage isn’t bad!)

There is also a little red bird who appears throughout the book, who is a signal to my dad who loves cardinals. I am an AVID coffee lover so no “winter” celebration was complete in my mind without a “cup of steamy joe”! In addition, the characters party with maple cake, which is a family favorite and our top donut flavor in the house and also a tribute to Grandpa Fox!
I loved writing the story of Chipper, my little arctic fox and his merry making adventures. Weaving my life into it, in a way that worked, was a way to share more of me and what I love most.
Thanks for following along on my book making adventures! Stay tuned for more newsletters, blogs, and a charity book drive coming soon!