Lemon Dog
After my youngest was just out of diapers, I got this mothering tug again. Knowing there would be no more babies, I worked tirelessly (I pulled out all the stops) to convince my hubby we needed a puppy! Every house needs a dog, right? Who would say no to cute, sweet, little, non-shedding Mini Goldendoodle? Perhaps that was my first mistake, thinking I was picking perfection. But, as any good mother would do, I forged ahead into the deep unknown driven by nothing but my maternal instinct. I ignored my husband’s pleas to not bring any more living beings into our home and set out to bring home my 4th cuddly child.
Mom = 1, Dad = 0.

Like every good mom, I had the wonderful, grand plan of putting the puppy under the Christmas tree on Christmas Morning. Trying to create perfection with a camera ready moment was my second mistake. Instead, Penny the puppy came home to me with Giardia, a common bacterial infection, complete with bloody poop and nothing that needed to be photographed. So instead, with a snickering hubby standing behind me, I said “Merry early Christmas kids! But you can only look! You can’t touch, pet or hold her yet! Now go wash your hands! With soap!”
Mom = 1, Dad = 1.

With Penny, we did get cute and cuddly, but we just also got a lemon. Luckily she is sweet, not sour. She has had years of different stomach issues, illnesses, tests and diets. I have had 4 years of carpet cleaning, and emergency vet visits. You do what you have to do… and now I am that mother who makes homemade dog food complete with bone powder, pork tenderloin and rice. I’m not striving to be the “all organic, all homemade” type of dog mom here. I am just the “I don’t want bloody poop on my carpet” kind.
Mom = 1, Dad = 2.

It’s hard now to remember a time without our little lemon. Time moves so quickly and the kids are getting bigger. We find Penny waiting for them at the door, sleeping on their beds, or ready to play tug of war. She is always dependable for being around during snack time and hoping for a cheese cracker. She isn’t smart, nor dumb. She barks when my boys wrestle or when their dad tickles them to tears. She likes a joy run, but always returns home. She is a sure thing for a belly rub. It’s taken awhile, (and I have to hide the carpet cleaning bills) but my hubby can’t even deny her his love.

And like every good mother, I adapted, altered my expectations and got my own idea of perfection. Even if she is a lemon.
Mom = 2, Dad = 2. Tie!

Lemon Dog Resources – Things that have supported my quest for health for Penny.
The Farmer’s Dog: Real Food, Made Fresh, Delivered to the door
Home-Prepared Dog & Cat Diets by Patricia Schenck – recipes for different dog and cat medical issues
My Courteous Canine – Dog Training by Jill (I can’t speak highly ENOUGH of her. Just amazing)
GONZO – Best Carpet Cleaner EVER – You can find at Amazon and most Grocery Stores
I love this and had to laugh at you keeping score. On a totally unrelated note, love the orange pillow in the photo with your son. 🙂